bob__71 wrote:rodgerfox wrote:bob__71 wrote:
I'm not blindly following them, I just happen to agree with them. I never felt like blindly following the previous admin when they were carrying on like a bunch of clowns.
Agree with them??
Which part??
I think the official line was that he's too old. Surely you don't believe that??
Mate part of it is that he may be too old. There could be any number of reasons, but it is a personal situation. I dont think being public about such personal issues is good form. And if you think the board should be publicly stating reasons, you are more naive than I gave you credit for.
You youngins should take less drugs and get more helps with the paranoia
Not my conversation, but you explain that well old fella.
People seem to overlook the the sensitive position the club was in...
Yep, tell everyone that they didn't believe he was clean? smart move.
Let's use some logic here....
1- If they thought he was too old, they wouldn't have chased him for so long.
2- If the sponsors had misgivings, they would have told the club early in the piece. And the club would have abandoned it's pursuit.
3- what did Collingwood know? It was risky for them also, given the Didak / Shaw episode. If they were 100% satisfied with BC's behaviour (IMO) they would have taken the risk. But they did not. And if ever there was a club that loves the spotlight for marketing purposes... it's the filth.
4- Brisbane was interested,but did a massive U-turn.
5- draw your own conclusions.
Would it have been nice for the club to make public the REAL reason? Yes, it would. But realistically, could they?
And Rodge, if you feel like an abused revenue stream, I'm sure there are 15 other clubs who will embrace you as one of their own.
Just remember that when you fill out your membership form you add the following clauses...
- the club hereby agrees to email me every day and tell me how much they appreciate my financial support
- the club hereby agrees that they will send me cards for my birthday and Christmas... and furthermore, the cheersquad will place "We Love Rodger Fox" on all banners for away games.
- the club hereby agrees to abstain from any decisions unless it puts every idea to a referrendum, so the mebers can have real input as to how the club is run.
- In return, I pledge allience to the club and promise to deliver my "insightfull" commentary via the Fox Report every week without fail, so that the club can learn and grow into genuine contenders.
There you go RF, that should do it.
Good luck with whatever club you decide upon. We'll miss you.
The lid is off after Round 2! Enjoy the journey, coz you just don't know where we'll end up. Live for today and seize the moment.