Lynch has no eyes for the ball firstly - this is very clear
Carless conduct - could easily go Intentional
High contact - elbow to head
Medium to High impact - head split open
Potential to cause Injury - High - though this is only used for Ben Long so will not be taken into account
Final deliberation - 1 to 2 weeks - depending on Impact grading
If graded as intentional then its straight to Tribunal or 3 weeks (2 weeks with an early plea)
Unfortunately given Lynch plays for one of the AFL lovechild clubs they will say contact was unavoidable and he tried his best to minimise the impact - free to play
Cotchin will get off as he is untouchable
Lynch's knee to Howards head was intentional, low impact and high - that is automatic 2 weeks (1 week with early plea) - Lynch will get off as the tribunal will assess the contact being with his shoulder/neck area
Potential to cause injury is high but Ben Long rule applies and it will not be considered