So because I think that there is no reason appealing the decision and probably think bringing this rule even though I am not quite 100% sure, is the reason we will never eradicate violence. How silly of me I thought my thinking was the reason we couldnt 100% cure cancer.True Believer wrote:Plunger you enormous f****** twat, I realise your AFL apologist piece is your source of entertainment, but if you can't see the basic flaw that the AFL are not banning an action but punishing an outcome that is based almost purely on luck , therefore reducing the tribunal to an official lottery, then you are thicker than even I believed.
36 different players execute exactly the same action in a game and only one is unlucky enough that the guy he tackles smacks his head into the turf and so he gets suspended.
This would have to be the only professional sport in the world where the exact same specific action can be either legal or illegal depending entirely on chance.
Yet still you defend it to the death. People like you are why we will never eradicate violence in our society.
That is one amazing post by you. And of course the result of your action should determine the penalty. If I punch a guy in the head and it hits him in the temple and he dies then I could be up for manslaughter. If I do the same thing with the same power and it misses his temple by a millimetre and he punches me back then we both likely to get $100 fine with no conviction recorded.