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Post: # 1459587Post BackFromUSA »

These are the updates to the rules being proposed with major changes including length of bans and providing a ban appeals process as well as more protection for moderators. There is also a relaxing of the swearing rule to a new set of guidelines to match the forum filters, plus a policy on quoting posters, much harsher penalties for those found to have multiple sign in identities and also crucial links to Cyber-Bullying legislation including an explanation and example penalties. We have given thought to almost every issue and opinion raised in the past months in relation to the current rules and the desires of posters on Saintsational. Here is the current draft for feedback.


Saintsational Fan Forum is an unofficial St Kilda Football Club discussion forum open to all ages.

Due to minors being able to access this Fan Forum, respectful behaviour at all times is essential.

Only topics that directly relate to being a fan of the St. Kilda Football Club are allowed in this forum. Other forums such as an Opposition & General Sports Forum; Cheer Squad/Morrabbin Wing Forum, a General Forum, even an Administration Forum and the over 18's Animal Enclosure are all available for other topics and discussions.

There are different rules in place for each forum on Saintsational. Please be aware of these rules before posting. Not being aware of a rule will not be an excuse.


The forum has a <!> button in each post for ANY poster to report ANY breach of forum rules to the moderators. The reporting poster will only be known to the Moderators but otherwise anonymous.

Do not start threads or make posts requesting the discipline of other members, nor PM the Moderators requesting discipline or punishment. Use the REPORT FUNCTION (!) instead. You are entitled to report behaviour you believe breaches the rules, but it will be at the Moderator discretion as to the punishment required. Where possible, decisions will be explained to you.


At no point can any post be directed negatively towards another poster in terms of abuse or threats.

Vigorous debate and friendly banter on St. Kilda Football Club matters is encouraged, as long as there is respect for each other’s opinions. No matter how much you disagree, or dismiss the worth of any opinion posted, or dismiss the worth of the poster in your eyes, your response must be respectful. Argue the facts. Post an opposing opinion. Do NOT make commentary about the poster - ONLY the post. If you tease, mock or bait another poster, or abuse them, OR repeatedly revisit past disagreements causing or creating an ongoing dispute between one or more posters, this is regarded as a breach of rules in the Fan Forum and will result in the issuing of a Saintsational warning. Such ongoing disputes can result in multiple breaches and can result in multiple Saintsational warnings.

We strongly advise that ongoing disputes be voluntarily taken to the ANIMAL ENCLOSURE forum.

There will be zero tolerance for teasing, mocking, baiting, belittling, badgering, bullying or any insulting, abusive, sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, religiously or culturally offensive, or threatening behaviour. Such behaviour constitutes a breach of rules and a Saintsational warning will be issued.

Any form of ongoing personal attacks in this Fan Forum or in Private Messages may be reported by the administrators to both the State and Federal authorities under the current cyber-bullying laws.

Please make yourselves aware of the seriousness of Cyber-Bullying: ... fact-sheet

Please make yourselves aware of the Victorian and Federal criminal penalties for cyber-bullying: ... rodies+law ... r-bullying ... n-law-1767


Swearing that is covered by the swear filter is permitted. This covers f***, s***, c***, c**k etc.

However attempts to circumvent the swear filter with terms such as 'shyte', 'sh1t' etc , or any form of alteration of the swear word that may constitute the reader to understand that it is a swear word, is deemed as a breach of rules for unacceptable language and a Saintsational warning will be issued.

Using acronyms WTF, FFS, BS etc to emphasise or colour an opinion ARE NOT a breach of rules, EXCEPT where they are used and directed at another poster or posters in an abusive manner. A Saintsational warning for abuse may be issued in these cases.

Terms that are extremely offensive to readers MAY also be edited by moderators and could result in a Saintsational warning if the term is repeat consistently by the poster and deemed to be warranted.

The moderation team has the right to edit, split, move to another Forum or delete threads or posts that in their personal opinion breach any of these terms and at their discretion issue official warnings to the offending poster. Otherwise no other content should be altered by moderators. Should a Moderator be required to edit a post, this will be shown in the post itself and any warning and explanation issued in private to that poster via PM and noted within <> in the original post.


When answering a specific post, the responding poster is encouraged to quote IN FULL and without any editing the post to which they are referencing, otherwise they must specify which poster they are referencing in the response. Failure to identify the post or poster being addressed is considered a breach of forum etiquette and repeated failure will result in a Saintsational warning. Any editing of a post when quoting another post is a breach of rules and will result in a Saintsational warning.


Do not spam the forum board with multiple posts designed to disrupt the harmony of the board.

Such disruption may be eligible for an official Saintsational warning / a one month ban, or account deletion by the moderators. The ban will be decided upon by the administrators in this instance.


“Trolls” are defined as posters who have the only goal to create friction and anger in our community.

Any poster, who has the sole aim to create friction and anger in our community may be eligible for an official Saintsational warning / a one month ban, or account deletion by the administrators.


As a forum open to all ages, pornographic, or semi-pornographic images, inferences, references and anecdotes, are not permitted. Any such postings will constitute an permanent ban without warning.


Due to copyright laws, when posting articles from any other website, please only post the URL (the link to the original article) - and no more a selected small portion no longer than one paragraph.

Breach will result in an official Saintsational warning.


Do not post private details of other posters in the public forums of this Fan Forum, nor post your own private details. It is not appropriate to post private messages in public on Saintsational Forums.

Breach will result in an official Saintsational warning.


Posters found to hold multiple forum identities and using them to add support to their own position within a forum argument OR to undertake any activity that can be constituted as a breach will be penalised with an ongoing permanent ban on all identities from the offending IP addresses.


Opposition supporters are welcome to post in a respectful manner and within forum rules, but should their goal be to disrupt our community, they will be deleted immediately WITHOUT warning.

Posters ACCUSED of being opposition supporters can contact the moderation / administration team to prove their status as a St. Kilda fan and they will receive endorsement for the whole forum to see.


The editorial opinion or contributions of the individual posters in no way constitutes the view of the Saintsational website or it's fan forums, or it's administrators, moderators, or voluntary personnel.


Please note that all official warnings will be done via PM to the offending poster and the warning and the reason for the warning will be published within the offending post as an aid to assist all posters in identifying and understanding breaches.
Three official Saintastional warnings (from any forum) for offending posts made within a 1 week (7 day) period will result in a 2 week ban. The period covers dates of posts NOT moderation decisions.

If a poster receives 3 bans within a 12 month period, it will result in a permanent ban.

Bans will be published for all posters to see in a LOCKED post at the time of banning.


The moderators have an enormous task to read and assess hundreds of posts per day and make their decisions based on the overall good of the community and purely based on the rules above.

Posting grievances on a Saintsational forum regarding a warning (to you or received by another poster) is strictly forbidden and MAY constitute a warning for those that post such grievances.

Please accept the umpire's decision and move on. If you feel you can prove that you did not breach the rules as outlined above, then PM all 3 moderators and explain your view WITHOUT abusing, threatening, accusing the moderator of bias or pointing out the actions of others! Please take responsibility for what you post and ensure that it is within the rules of Saintsational Fan Forum. If a moderator feels that your PM on this matter is inappropriate, they can issue an additional warning.

The Moderation team have the final say and are here to provide a fun environment for us to celebrate all things Saints related. Any abuse of a moderator will result in a Saintsational warning.

The above penalty system mostly gives you three chances before your enjoyment of the community will be restricted. Take advantage of those three chances to improve your conduct. In the event that a poster has been unfairly or unjustly banned, or three warnings are issued in quick succession and a ban is issued prior to an opportunity to PM the moderators, the banned poster may e-mail their appeal to for review and the appeals process will begin.


Bans will be listed in the Fan Forum. The banned poster can request an appeal process be started in the Administration Forum. If the administrators feel the appeal has any merit, it will be listed in the Administration Forum and promoted in Fan Forum to make the other members aware. The appeal will take the form of a POLL where members have the capability to vote anonymously to uphold or overturn the ban. For a ban to be overturned, a 2/3 majority against the ban must be achieved.



Open to all ages. Respect for posters is essential. Debate opinions posted. Do not attack posters. Strictly no teasing, mocking, baiting, belittling, badgering, bullying or any insulting, abusive, sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, religiously or culturally offensive, or threatening behaviour. Swear filters operate on the forum. Do not circumvent these filters. No trolling or spamming allowed. Please quote post or poster being answered but do not misquote. Use report function <!> in posts only to report rule breach in that post. Breaches result in warnings. 3 warnings within 7 days (based on time of posts) results in a two week ban. 3 bans within a year is a full ban. Bans can be appealed and any non-board contact should be made to

AwayInUSA no longer ... have based myself back in Melbourne for a decade of Saintsational Success (with regular trips back to the USA)

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Post: # 1459589Post saintspremiers »

I don't believe s.h.i.t is an evil word and should NOT be on the swear filter and if that's not possible then shyte etc should be allowed. I'll agree that the other swear words are banned but not this very common and minor one.


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Post: # 1459590Post whiskers3614 »

BackFromUSA wrote:These are the updates to the rules being proposed with major changes including length of bans and providing a ban appeals process as well as more protection for moderators. There is also a relaxing of the swearing rule to a new set of guidelines to match the forum filters, plus a policy on quoting posters, much harsher penalties for those found to have multiple sign in identities and also crucial links to Cyber-Bullying legislation including an explanation and example penalties. We have given thought to almost every issue and opinion raised in the past months in relation to the current rules and the desires of posters on Saintsational. Here is the current draft for feedback.


Saintsational Fan Forum is an unofficial St Kilda Football Club discussion forum open to all ages.

Due to minors being able to access this Fan Forum, respectful behaviour at all times is essential.

Only topics that directly relate to being a fan of the St. Kilda Football Club are allowed in this forum. Other forums such as an Opposition & General Sports Forum; Cheer Squad/Morrabbin Wing Forum, a General Forum, even an Administration Forum and the over 18's Animal Enclosure are all available for other topics and discussions.

There are different rules in place for each forum on Saintsational. Please be aware of these rules before posting. Not being aware of a rule will not be an excuse.


The forum has a <!> button in each post for ANY poster to report ANY breach of forum rules to the moderators. The reporting poster will only be known to the Moderators but otherwise anonymous.

Do not start threads or make posts requesting the discipline of other members, nor PM the Moderators requesting discipline or punishment. Use the REPORT FUNCTION (!) instead. You are entitled to report behaviour you believe breaches the rules, but it will be at the Moderator discretion as to the punishment required. Where possible, decisions will be explained to you.


At no point can any post be directed negatively towards another poster in terms of abuse or threats.

Vigorous debate and friendly banter on St. Kilda Football Club matters is encouraged, as long as there is respect for each other’s opinions. No matter how much you disagree, or dismiss the worth of any opinion posted, or dismiss the worth of the poster in your eyes, your response must be respectful. Argue the facts. Post an opposing opinion. Do NOT make commentary about the poster - ONLY the post. If you tease, mock or bait another poster, or abuse them, OR repeatedly revisit past disagreements causing or creating an ongoing dispute between one or more posters, this is regarded as a breach of rules in the Fan Forum and will result in the issuing of a Saintsational warning. Such ongoing disputes can result in multiple breaches and can result in multiple Saintsational warnings.

We strongly advise that ongoing disputes be voluntarily taken to the ANIMAL ENCLOSURE forum.

There will be zero tolerance for teasing, mocking, baiting, belittling, badgering, bullying or any insulting, abusive, sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, religiously or culturally offensive, or threatening behaviour. Such behaviour constitutes a breach of rules and a Saintsational warning will be issued.

Any form of ongoing personal attacks in this Fan Forum or in Private Messages may be reported by the administrators to both the State and Federal authorities under the current cyber-bullying laws.

Please make yourselves aware of the seriousness of Cyber-Bullying: ... fact-sheet

Please make yourselves aware of the Victorian and Federal criminal penalties for cyber-bullying: ... rodies+law ... r-bullying ... n-law-1767


Swearing that is covered by the swear filter is permitted. This covers f***, s***, c***, c**k etc.

However attempts to circumvent the swear filter with terms such as 'shyte', 'sh1t' etc , or any form of alteration of the swear word that may constitute the reader to understand that it is a swear word, is deemed as a breach of rules for unacceptable language and a Saintsational warning will be issued.

Using acronyms WTF, FFS, BS etc to emphasise or colour an opinion ARE NOT a breach of rules, EXCEPT where they are used and directed at another poster or posters in an abusive manner. A Saintsational warning for abuse may be issued in these cases.

Terms that are extremely offensive to readers MAY also be edited by moderators and could result in a Saintsational warning if the term is repeat consistently by the poster and deemed to be warranted.

The moderation team has the right to edit, split, move to another Forum or delete threads or posts that in their personal opinion breach any of these terms and at their discretion issue official warnings to the offending poster. Otherwise no other content should be altered by moderators. Should a Moderator be required to edit a post, this will be shown in the post itself and any warning and explanation issued in private to that poster via PM and noted within <> in the original post.


When answering a specific post, the responding poster is encouraged to quote IN FULL and without any editing the post to which they are referencing, otherwise they must specify which poster they are referencing in the response. Failure to identify the post or poster being addressed is considered a breach of forum etiquette and repeated failure will result in a Saintsational warning. Any editing of a post when quoting another post is a breach of rules and will result in a Saintsational warning.


Do not spam the forum board with multiple posts designed to disrupt the harmony of the board.

Such disruption may be eligible for an official Saintsational warning / a one month ban, or account deletion by the moderators. The ban will be decided upon by the administrators in this instance.


“Trolls” are defined as posters who have the only goal to create friction and anger in our community.

Any poster, who has the sole aim to create friction and anger in our community may be eligible for an official Saintsational warning / a one month ban, or account deletion by the administrators.


As a forum open to all ages, pornographic, or semi-pornographic images, inferences, references and anecdotes, are not permitted. Any such postings will constitute an permanent ban without warning.


Due to copyright laws, when posting articles from any other website, please only post the URL (the link to the original article) - and no more a selected small portion no longer than one paragraph.

Breach will result in an official Saintsational warning.


Do not post private details of other posters in the public forums of this Fan Forum, nor post your own private details. It is not appropriate to post private messages in public on Saintsational Forums.

Breach will result in an official Saintsational warning.


Posters found to hold multiple forum identities and using them to add support to their own position within a forum argument OR to undertake any activity that can be constituted as a breach will be penalised with an ongoing permanent ban on all identities from the offending IP addresses.


Opposition supporters are welcome to post in a respectful manner and within forum rules, but should their goal be to disrupt our community, they will be deleted immediately WITHOUT warning.

Posters ACCUSED of being opposition supporters can contact the moderation / administration team to prove their status as a St. Kilda fan and they will receive endorsement for the whole forum to see.


The editorial opinion or contributions of the individual posters in no way constitutes the view of the Saintsational website or it's fan forums, or it's administrators, moderators, or voluntary personnel.


Please note that all official warnings will be done via PM to the offending poster and the warning and the reason for the warning will be published within the offending post as an aid to assist all posters in identifying and understanding breaches.
Three official Saintastional warnings (from any forum) for offending posts made within a 1 week (7 day) period will result in a 2 week ban. The period covers dates of posts NOT moderation decisions.

If a poster receives 3 bans within a 12 month period, it will result in a permanent ban.

Bans will be published for all posters to see in a LOCKED post at the time of banning.


The moderators have an enormous task to read and assess hundreds of posts per day and make their decisions based on the overall good of the community and purely based on the rules above.

Posting grievances on a Saintsational forum regarding a warning (to you or received by another poster) is strictly forbidden and MAY constitute a warning for those that post such grievances.

Please accept the umpire's decision and move on. If you feel you can prove that you did not breach the rules as outlined above, then PM all 3 moderators and explain your view WITHOUT abusing, threatening, accusing the moderator of bias or pointing out the actions of others! Please take responsibility for what you post and ensure that it is within the rules of Saintsational Fan Forum. If a moderator feels that your PM on this matter is inappropriate, they can issue an additional warning.

The Moderation team have the final say and are here to provide a fun environment for us to celebrate all things Saints related. Any abuse of a moderator will result in a Saintsational warning.

The above penalty system mostly gives you three chances before your enjoyment of the community will be restricted. Take advantage of those three chances to improve your conduct. In the event that a poster has been unfairly or unjustly banned, or three warnings are issued in quick succession and a ban is issued prior to an opportunity to PM the moderators, the banned poster may e-mail their appeal to for review and the appeals process will begin.


Bans will be listed in the Fan Forum. The banned poster can request an appeal process be started in the Administration Forum. If the administrators feel the appeal has any merit, it will be listed in the Administration Forum and promoted in Fan Forum to make the other members aware. The appeal will take the form of a POLL where members have the capability to vote anomalously to uphold or overturn the ban. For a ban to be overturned, a 2/3 majority against the ban must be achieved.



Open to all ages. Respect for posters is essential. Debate opinions posted. Do not attack posters. Strictly no teasing, mocking, baiting, belittling, badgering, bullying or any insulting, abusive, sexist, racist, ageist, homophobic, religiously or culturally offensive, or threatening behaviour. Swear filters operate on the forum. Do not circumvent these filters. No trolling or spamming allowed. Please quote post or poster being answered but do not misquote. Use report function <!> in posts only to report rule breach in that post. Breaches result in warnings. 3 warnings within 7 days (based on time of posts) results in a two week ban. 3 bans within a year is a full ban. Bans can be appealed and any non-board contact should be made to
Think you must've been tired by this part, sure you meant anonymously!

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Post: # 1459595Post kosifantutti »

BackFromUSA wrote:....


When answering a specific post, the responding poster is encouraged to quote IN FULL and without any editing the post to which they are referencing, otherwise they must specify which poster they are referencing in the response. Failure to identify the post or poster being addressed is considered a breach of forum etiquette and repeated failure will result in a Saintsational warning. Any editing of a post when quoting another post is a breach of rules and will result in a Saintsational warning.

Surely if you are responding to War and Peace as I am here, it is appropriate to only quote the part you are referring to.

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Post: # 1459605Post asiu »

'shite' stood out for me as well when i read this this morning.
... i use it as a 'nice' way of sayn sh!t ... never in context of dodging the filter.

... then just 5 minutes ago i read it (shite) used in the sunday teli up here.

also ,
quoting in full is something i've never done.
nor really named poster of inspiration for my comment.
a) its about the ball not the poster
b) readers are keeping up with the convo
(or should be ... seeing its a readn 'n writn exercise around ere)

just my thoughts.

.name the ways , thought manipulates the State of Presence away.

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Post: # 1459623Post desertsaint »

Can't see the difference between shite and s***, f*** and feck, etc as far as moderation goes - the offending words are changed by both methods, but we know the meaning. I would actually argue shite is a much more polite s***, showing the poster is actually tempering their language.

And quoting in full only? Why? Much prefer a quote is edited to the relevant section.

Identifying the poster of a quote - again not sure why it matters?

IMO the lower the number of rules the easier it will be to moderate and the easier it will be for posters to remember the rules. Simplicity is success.

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Post: # 1460864Post asiu »

and here today , in the syd tele they use the word 'farkkk' at least twice in print.

... interesting kettle of fish.

.name the ways , thought manipulates the State of Presence away.

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Post: # 1460916Post BackFromUSA »

The proposed rules will stay up for a full week and we shall take all feedback here AND in PMs (for those that fear retribution) and then we shall finalise the new rules.

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Post: # 1460918Post dragit »

kosifantutti wrote:
BackFromUSA wrote:....


When answering a specific post, the responding poster is encouraged to quote IN FULL and without any editing the post to which they are referencing, otherwise they must specify which poster they are referencing in the response. Failure to identify the post or poster being addressed is considered a breach of forum etiquette and repeated failure will result in a Saintsational warning. Any editing of a post when quoting another post is a breach of rules and will result in a Saintsational warning.

Surely if you are responding to War and Peace as I am here, it is appropriate to only quote the part you are referring to.
Absolutely… editing a post should be fine unless it's re-appropriating to falsely represent a poster.

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Post: # 1460922Post BackFromUSA »

dragit wrote:
kosifantutti wrote:
BackFromUSA wrote:....


When answering a specific post, the responding poster is encouraged to quote IN FULL and without any editing the post to which they are referencing, otherwise they must specify which poster they are referencing in the response. Failure to identify the post or poster being addressed is considered a breach of forum etiquette and repeated failure will result in a Saintsational warning. Any editing of a post when quoting another post is a breach of rules and will result in a Saintsational warning.

Surely if you are responding to War and Peace as I am here, it is appropriate to only quote the part you are referring to.
Absolutely… editing a post should be fine unless it's re-appropriating to falsely represent a poster.
Already noted. Also noted views on swearing from all parties.

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Post: # 1460931Post FQF »

Generally good and fair — well done.

I might be missing something, but through what means can a banned poster request an appeal if he cannot log in? For instance, if plugger66 wanted to appeal, how would he instigate that process? Further, can a poster other than the banned poster request an appeal? Perhaps a poster might not care too much about a one month ban, but if there is a groundswell of opposition to the ban, can an appeal be made?


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Post: # 1460932Post asiu »

who would 'fear retribution'?

whats that comment all about ?

.name the ways , thought manipulates the State of Presence away.

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Post: # 1461066Post BackFromUSA »

FQF wrote:Generally good and fair — well done.

I might be missing something, but through what means can a banned poster request an appeal if he cannot log in? For instance, if plugger66 wanted to appeal, how would he instigate that process? Further, can a poster other than the banned poster request an appeal? Perhaps a poster might not care too much about a one month ban, but if there is a groundswell of opposition to the ban, can an appeal be made?

Thanks - just a draft for now. Feedback invaluable.

Re the appeal process:

"In the event that a poster has been unfairly or unjustly banned, or three warnings are issued in quick succession and a ban is issued prior to an opportunity to PM the moderators, the banned poster may e-mail their appeal to for review and the appeals process will begin."

Re others appealing on behalf of the banned poster without their consent - my thoughts are if the banned poster is not fussed, then why should others be? I think it is up to the poster to appeal their won ban. But if others disagree, then draft some wording to be considered as an addition to the rules.

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Post: # 1461067Post FQF »

On second thought, I agree with you that an appeal should only be instigated upon the banned poster's application.

Thanks for the clarification.

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Post: # 1461068Post BackFromUSA »

Principle of Q'uo wrote:who would 'fear retribution'?

whats that comment all about ?
Unfortunately there are posters who do not want their personal views know publicly because they have been attacked previously for expressing them openly.

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Post: # 1461100Post asiu »

maybe 'these posters' (or non posters actually)
need to
a) google 'Avoidant Personality Disorder'
b) join a 12 step program 'n learn about Honesty Openness & Willingness
c) grow a set
instead of writing slippery PM's in private
whilst considering themselves members of a community on a public forum board.

Proxies or Propaganda ... that be the Question.

The Silent Scared Majority huh.

imagine the gnashing of teeth
the wailing in fear & self pity of THAT crowd
when asked to sing 'their' deathsong.

.name the ways , thought manipulates the State of Presence away.

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Post: # 1461104Post asiu »

KP - KP4

.name the ways , thought manipulates the State of Presence away.

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Post: # 1461269Post desertsaint »

Anonymous posters are worried about their anonymous views being attacked by anonymous others?
And they join a footy forum?

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Post: # 1461325Post Cairnsman »

BackFromUSA wrote:
Principle of Q'uo wrote:who would 'fear retribution'?

whats that comment all about ?
Unfortunately there are posters who do not want their personal views know publicly because they have been attacked previously for expressing them openly.
Aren't there rules to protect the silent majority? They should feel stronger now you have their back.

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Post: # 1461393Post GrumpyOne »

Cairnsman wrote:
BackFromUSA wrote:
Principle of Q'uo wrote:who would 'fear retribution'?

whats that comment all about ?
Unfortunately there are posters who do not want their personal views know publicly because they have been attacked previously for expressing them openly.
Aren't there rules to protect the silent majority? They should feel stronger now you have their back.
Will the silent majority please stand up?


You are standing up........


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