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by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 9:48pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

If Austin with three, not two n' is a pom as claimed , it was his ancestors who invaded this country and stole land, not possibly yours or mine. I'm pretty sure I never invaded this country or stole any land from anybody. Neither did my mum or dad or any of my 4 grandparents or 8 great grandparents...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 9:18pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: If you don't hate Collingwood the most
Replies: 25
Views: 2105

Re: If you don't hate Collingwood the most

Mmm, Chinese food. I just tucked into the leftover slices of last night's pizza.
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 7:11pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: POLL: Should we wear our Aboriginal guernsey this week also?
Replies: 83
Views: 5519

Re: POLL: Should we wear our Aboriginal guernsey this week a

Rols Lee, you may NOT cheer the players. If caught doing so you will be escorted from the ground and have your head dunked in the toilets.

No cheering! At all!!
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 7:05pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Is a touch-up on the cards vs. Port?
Replies: 40
Views: 3286

Re: Is a touch-up on the cards vs. Port?

He just loves it. All a joke to him.

Good on ya plugger, keep standing up to racists.

Unconfident about this game with Roo out, I must say. But at the moment we're always a chance, and that's a step up from last year. I tentatively predict a win.
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 6:50pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

If Adam Goodes motive was to generate publicity for the aborigional agenda, he's done a fantastic job. Please remind me, was the 13 yo girl incident and the war dance both in the AFL aborigional round? Yes it was. A round to celebrate the contribution of aboriginal players in our game. That was the...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 6:38pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: POLL: Should we wear our Aboriginal guernsey this week also?
Replies: 83
Views: 5519

Re: POLL: Should we wear our Aboriginal guernsey this week a

I have never booed anyone in my life and do not understand at all what pleasure you'd get out of it! This is all about the lowest common denominator. The lowest common denominator is the bogan! It is racist bogans who are booing! Bernie I like your stuff normally but this is apologist dribble Let's...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 4:37pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Far out. That true? This is getting way out of hand.
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 3:58pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

I'm just wondering which part of Adam Goodes' life is "one step above paedophilia"? Was that in the 90s when he organised those armies of children in Africa to go into villages and kill the men and rape the women? I agree he really ought to say sorry for that. Edit: I understand now, one s...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 3:47pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

This article explains it all. I reckon I could go through the 23 odd pages of this thread and tick off all eight ways more than once. But I am conce...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 3:45pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

ace wrote: He did not care whether the kid lived or died.
Fortunately she was tough enough not to suicide but then Goodes would not have cared.
All he cared about was his war.

His actions were one step above paedophila.
Are you quite sure?

by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 3:29pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

I agree its a lot worse plugger, and after laying into saynta, I'm the last person who should reproach you for calling ace a fool. The key is the "gates of hell" remark, I think, but that's my own prejudice... Easy to get worked up when we take on serious topics, maybe that's why we prefer...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 3:24pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Not bad advice, and I don't want to be cynical here but have you ever worked with aborigines either in the city or towns. And that is not rhetorical or a challenge. This is a vexing issue that we as a nation have NEVER been able to come to terms with. My wife, a very compassionate woman who is acro...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 2:51pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Sorry about the lecture. It sounds pompous and teacherly, especially as saynta said from a pom living in France. I know. I wish I could phrase it differently, or more briefly. I know its too much for many of us. The question is: what can I, one person, do for them? I don't know the answer, and this ...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 2:38pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

How many more generations to come will need to do the same? At what point do we put down the baggage of the past? It's hard to move forward if you are preoccupied with looking backwards. That doesn't excuse whatever may have occurred, but unless people are prepared to move on, then we will end up w...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 12:41pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Edit. Too long garbled futile mess. Head up a**e. Sleep.
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 4:41am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Don't want to be rude ace, but there's 21 pages full of excellent explanations of the situation, plus links to more in the media. If you genuinely want to understand, you should go back and have a read. I'm not saying you should think any particular way, but the ideas are certainly a way of getting ...
by Austinnn
Fri 31 Jul 2015 1:19am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

I often boo when opposition teams run through their banner. If boo when Sydney runs through their banner will that be racist. Of course not. Are you seriously suggesting people can't tell the difference? That's the problem, we've made it all about booing. Maybe if Josh Bruce kicks a goal and someon...
by Austinnn
Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:32pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

You don't want to know what I really think of you.Your last sentence is pure crap and racist even. Anyway, I disliked you long before I discovered that you didn't live here,mainly because I had no respect for you or your opinions. You know something saynta? You are a f****** fool, a fair dinkum idi...
by Austinnn
Thu 30 Jul 2015 9:22pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

By the way, if anyone is tempted to think, like our resident Karl Pilkington does, that because I grew up in England and now live in France, my opinion about anything in Australia is worthless, in my defence may I add that I lived in Australia for 14 years, great years, and Melbourne for 8. I have t...
by Austinnn
Thu 30 Jul 2015 7:41pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Firstly - I linked to the Dallas Scott article, not Satchmo. Secondly I never said his opinion is gospel, I merely pointed him out in response to the broad brush generalizations being bandied about by those purporting to speak on h\behalf of our indigenous population. Thirdly - Interestingly I neve...
by Austinnn
Thu 30 Jul 2015 5:35pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

I'd rather leave the final word on this to a very eloquent aboriginal man called Dallas Scott: Didn't anyone else read this? Very powerful stuff. Great to hear from the more relevant perspective at last. I heard N...
by Austinnn
Thu 30 Jul 2015 5:58am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Haven't read passed Austinns post but will when I get home. Good points. Put its called racism...isn't it about race? Jeez we could go on about it for hrs couldn't we. Can you tell me what constitues being a "race"?? Because it seems many modern day anthropologists believe there is only o...
by Austinnn
Thu 30 Jul 2015 2:53am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Read the opinion of the mother of the girl who called Goodes an ape. Pretty much agrees with Bunk. She's upset cos her daughter - who she has no pro...
by Austinnn
Wed 29 Jul 2015 11:09pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

Just thinking about that definition of nationalism, I realise that it is dependent on the context. For example, an Englishman identifies with being English but has probably never had the disadvantage of oppressive prejudice towards his nation throughout history. However, someone from Croatia, Bosnia...
by Austinnn
Wed 29 Jul 2015 10:37pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Round 22 Adam Goodes
Replies: 872
Views: 55019

Re: Round 22 Adam Goodes

who will win the toss tonight ? Those pommy bastards. racist . :) That is actually racist I don't take offence being born in the UK But calling someone a pome which is basically calling them a prisoner could very well hurt someone az much as taunting someone about their skin color. But yeah apparen...