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by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 11:06pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Did anyone envisage this season when RL was appointed
Replies: 76
Views: 11082

I agree Leo and its true most people are generally stupid and dont look to the reasons why we may not be paying the way we did in 04....Im not going into these in detaisl ( its been done to death) suffice to say: We have a new coach, The game has changed markedly since Lions won 3 in a row, Weve ha...
by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 11:03pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Did anyone envisage this season when RL was appointed
Replies: 76
Views: 11082

I agree Leo and its true most people are generally stupid well...they might be in the circles that you move in........ :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: we still on for the box rumphole? your arguments are circular....does that mean your not ...
by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 5:54pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Did anyone envisage this season when RL was appointed
Replies: 76
Views: 11082

...I guess it comes down to who you like..... I think you'll find Teflon, that the reason why people are turning so readily is not the coaches, but the the actual game plan (GP) style. Over the last few years our GP was based on attack, generally it was free flowing, and when we were firing we prod...
by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 5:49pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Did anyone envisage this season when RL was appointed
Replies: 76
Views: 11082

If ONLY, if only they could all be harnessed week in week out.......... Thats the coaches job isn't it? To get the best out of his players. Some onus needs to go on the players, however if the coach can't get the best out of his players for what ever reason he won't last long...will he. Could last ...
by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 5:48pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Did anyone envisage this season when RL was appointed
Replies: 76
Views: 11082

What makes me laugh is....when we were struggling to beat floods etc ...Dodgerfox, Dan, MB and the like were telling us all it was players not playing to game plan...this year ITS ALL coach....remarkable.... Teflon, I don't mind fair criticism, but in this instance you have verballed me. I can't sp...
by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 5:33pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Thommo Farewell
Replies: 34
Views: 7582

Well done Thommo - you can rest assured you got most from your abilities and thats all any sportsman/woman can look to at the end of a career.

Well played.
by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 12:56am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Team changes this week
Replies: 61
Views: 13418

Dissapointed to see Raph Calrke walze back in. As others mentioned GT and now Lyon must see something the rest dont......I panick when he has it (find myslef screaming...."just give it to Blakey...he'll know what to do.... :shock: ....that bad.) Am stuffed as to why Ferguson doesnt get a run - ...
by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 12:40am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: A stats overview 2004-2007.
Replies: 17
Views: 3174

You can argue all day long about yr v yr blah blah.... mean scores and generally get excited by any set of numbers BUT...what I find irrefutable is that on whole these stats point to a STEADY DECLINE in performances. Started the rise probably in 03 in real terms.....ramped up in 04....peak 05....sli...
by Teflon
Fri 17 Aug 2007 12:19am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Did anyone envisage this season when RL was appointed
Replies: 76
Views: 11082

But if playing the sh|thouse brand of footy "well" wins you a premiership, would you complain? I am yet to meet a Swans supporter who didn't love their '05 season. And BTW, we have been averaging 14 goals per game since the break when we have had most of our players back ... we averaged 1...
by Teflon
Thu 16 Aug 2007 12:23am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Honest opinions
Replies: 65
Views: 14284

Gee there's a nasty pack mentality on this forum. Lots of posters have gotten a sense that Lyon has it in for Voss, so they move in for the kill. See iots silly comments like this above that get you in strife I reckon. I could care less what Lyon think of Voss - he could say "I want Voss to st...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 11:52pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Who else is sick of it?
Replies: 11
Views: 3028

Thanks teffers i just had a flash back of Hammils reaction after Blighty :oops: but stuff em i'm still pionting the finger THEY ARE AS SOFT AS A PORNO STARS DOODLE AT THE END OF THE SHOW :lol: AS WEAK AS PARIS BEHIND BARS :wink: Point away Mik...Im with ya...hate th scumbags and their condescending...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 11:49pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: 5aa
Replies: 51
Views: 11309

Id be staggered if it was Kosi.

That said...........Id be staggered if Kosi even entertained the idea...this club been pretty loyal to Kos through the down times also...lets remember that....
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 11:44pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: 5aa
Replies: 51
Views: 11309

i wouldnot be surprised if watts wanted to go back to least they gave him a game occasionally...... My thoughts too. Hes not getting a game. Hes hearing the coach publicly back in Gehirg come hell or.... Hmmm...Adelaide wanted to keep him.... But if its Kosi - theyve got hold of their...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 11:42pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Who else is sick of it?
Replies: 11
Views: 3028

Just imagine if they did a Blighty the joint would fall apart Its like the place has been in a protected cotton wool ball or something and now they are all just devistated and cant move forward with the decision. Anyone hear the rumor about the big captian Matty crying and telling the club to shove...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 11:38pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Stats Confidential: 4th Qtr Fade-Outs - Herald-Sun Article
Replies: 10
Views: 2997

I have been a fan of what Lyon is trying to do - but we *really* need some Hendrix from him over the next 7 weeks :lol: There are times when Ross does appear LSD influenced.... However I have no doubt come finals time he'll release his inner Voodoo child........starting this week against that pathe...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 11:03pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: 5aa
Replies: 51
Views: 11309

As much as I love him, structurally Chips is one player we could afford to lose. Don't take this the wrong way, but with Gilbert, Goose, Allen, Gram and BJ all young and capable of providing run from the backline (as well as playing tall), we certainly have the depth in this area. Knights + 2nd rou...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 11:02pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: 5aa
Replies: 51
Views: 11309

It couldnt be Fergus Watts?...thats crazy but.....IMO hes tradeable.........I personally would like to see (post gehrig) a Riewoldt CHF, Kosi FF anyway......
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 10:59pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Member Services "REVIEW" !!
Replies: 43
Views: 9824

Id save $$ and merge 'member services' with 'training services'......theyve both done shyte jobs so the only way is up....
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 10:54pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Stats Confidential: 4th Qtr Fade-Outs - Herald-Sun Article
Replies: 10
Views: 2997

mbogo wrote:For the record Jimi Hendrix copied Bob Dylan and his singing and even poetic writing style. The effect was very different. 8-)
well Bob truthfully borrowed heavily from Woody Guthrie......yes yes I watch SBS I apologise for that........its the only station for true nudity.
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 10:18pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Stats Confidential: 4th Qtr Fade-Outs - Herald-Sun Article
Replies: 10
Views: 2997

What's Wayne Schwass raving on about? Lyon has already said on numerous occasions that his game plan is not a carbon-copy of that of the Swans. What's he doing basing his comments on the evidence of how we actually play? Can't he take a gentleman at his word? :wink: Who says the only type of accoun...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 10:11pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Ross Lyon Press Conference - FG won't get dropped ...
Replies: 36
Views: 8591

This could simply be his way of demonstrating - "Im in the trench with you even when the doubters are knocking"..........Im sure AFL footballers are cynical and with reason...theyre people...they know the hundreds of back slappers come in the good times.........and search for knives quick...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 9:59pm
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: 5aa
Replies: 51
Views: 11309

As much as I love him, structurally Chips is one player we could afford to lose. Don't take this the wrong way, but with Gilbert, Goose, Allen, Gram and BJ all young and capable of providing run from the backline (as well as playing tall), we certainly have the depth in this area. Knights + 2nd rou...
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 12:36am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: banner sayings round 20 *entries close thursday night*
Replies: 27
Views: 6626

Heres mine:



With sirengate and whispering sky;
And a club song thats just shockers...
Tonight we seek out some revenge;
And trounce these purple fockers


Congrats Mark Harvey - after years of ' giving' to finally got the head job....
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 12:17am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: Ross Lyon Press Conference - FG won't get dropped ...
Replies: 36
Views: 8591

gazrat wrote:i think the 'real' message is .....please play on next year
Good point - could be.......but geez......if so....Lyons just made a long long term commitment.........
by Teflon
Wed 15 Aug 2007 12:15am
Forum: Saintsational Fan Forum
Topic: GT wants $60000 in holiday pay
Replies: 112
Views: 23934

What a load of old codswallop this is. At worst if this story is true, I work out that it amounts to 6 weeks of pay total - in around 5 years of work - i.e. just over one week of holiday a year not taken. If he hasn't been paid it then he should be paid out. If he isn't entitled to it he won't be. ...